Capitol Hill

Congress Debates Bill to Make Monday a Second Sunday

Members of the U.S. Congress have engaged in a heated debate over a proposed bill that could forever change the way Americans view the dreaded first day of the workweek. The bill in question? One that aims to transform Monday into a second Sunday.

The bill, officially titled the “Monday Liberation Act,” was introduced by Representative Alice Witmore from the state of Blissville. It has ignited a passionate discourse among lawmakers and the public alike.

Advocates for the bill argue that Mondays have long been a source of collective misery and that making it a second Sunday could significantly improve the overall quality of life for Americans. Proponents envision a world where the Monday blues are replaced with the tranquility and relaxation associated with a typical Sunday.

Representative Witmore passionately defended her proposal during the debate, stating, “Mondays are the source of stress, anxiety, and countless coffee spills. By making Monday a second Sunday, we’re giving the American people an extra day of rest, family time, and Netflix binge-watching. It’s a win-win for everyone!”

However, not everyone is on board with the idea. Critics argue that reshuffling the calendar could disrupt the workweek and wreak havoc on the economy. Skeptics also fear the potential consequences of having two consecutive days of the week when government offices, banks, and schools would be closed.

Senate Majority Leader Sam Grumbleton expressed his reservations about the bill, saying, “While I appreciate the sentiment behind this proposal, we must consider the practical implications. If Monday becomes a second Sunday, will we then have a second Friday and Saturday too? We need to ensure the stability of our schedules and the economy.”

The debate has captivated the nation, with social media buzzing with the hashtag #MondaySecondSunday. Memes, jokes, and countless GIFs depicting people celebrating the newfound freedom of Mondays have gone viral.

It remains to be seen whether the “Monday Liberation Act” will pass through Congress and become law. The bill faces a series of committee hearings and votes, and its fate is uncertain. For now, the fate of Monday hangs in the balance, and the nation watches with bated breath as Congress decides whether to make Monday a second Sunday, or if the workweek will remain intact as we know it.

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